Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) - an online guide

In this article our aim is to educate you about bruxism, otherwise know as teeth grinding, what the symptoms are, how its diagnosed and what can be done to treat this condition which affects approximately 8% of the population. You may even be suffering from teeth grinding and not be aware of this as many people grind their teeth during their sleep!

So what is bruxism (Teeth Grinding) ?

As mentioned above bruxism is a condition in which you may grind or clench your teeth more than usual and there are varying degrees of this condition. People with a mild form of bruxism may not experience any symptoms or need treatment whereas more severe cases of bruxism can lead to jaw problems, headaches and wear your teeth down, causing damage to them. Bruxism is usually classified into day time and night time (nocturnal) types and many people that suffer from nocturnal bruxism wouldn’t even know that they are grinding their teeth in their sleep.

What are the symptoms that I should look out for with bruxism (Teeth Grinding)?

Depending on the severity of your teeth grinding the symptoms of bruxism could include a combination of some or all of the following:

What causes bruxism (Teeth Grinding) ?

Bruxism is one of those conditions for which there may be many different causes and needs to be assessed on an individual basis. In many cases the dentist or doctor cannot ascertain the exact cause. The following are possible causes for why an individual may suffer from bruxism:

How is bruxism (Teeth Grinding) diagnosed?

If you visit a dentist regularly they would usually notice a change in your oral health that would indicate that you suffer from bruxism or it may be obvious to you and people around you. Signs that may indicate to your dentist that you suffer from bruxism include:

How is Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) treated?

The treatment very much depends on the cause of bruxism and establishing this is the first step towards treating the condition. It is always best to treat the cause of your condition rather than provide a temporary solution to stop the grinding.

Therapy for stress behavioral disorders -  If you suffer from any anxiety disorders, aggression or excessive amounts of stress then treating the cause of these with counseling or appropriate medications / therapies would be the first point of action.

Splints and mouth guards – many dentists may give you a splint or a mouth guard which will prevent you from grinding your teeth together and that you can wear during the night to stop you grinding your teeth during sleep. Athletes that grind their teeth during sporting activities will benefit from wearing a mouth guard.  There are also many over the counter mouth guards available such as the Nobrux dental guard which is approved by the British Dental Health Foundation.

Dental Treatment – sometimes re-alignment of the way the teeth bite together (occlusion) can help with TMJ problems and pain. This often involves assessment of your bite and some dentists use technology such as the T-scan to diagnose discrepancies in occlusion before carrying out the appropriate restorative work. Also restoring worn teeth with crowns can help to solve problems with sensitivity and cosmetic issues as a result of teeth grinding.

Medications – bruxism very rarely is treated with medication but in certain cases muscle relaxants and botox have been used to treat teeth grinding.

If I think I suffer from bruxism (Teeth Grinding)  what should I do?

If you grind your teeth or think that you may be suffering from teeth grinding you should book an appointment with your doctor or dentist straight away so that they can assess you.