Cost of Inman Aligner Treatment

Why choose to have inman aligner treatment?

The inman aligner is an orthodontic treatment used to gently ease the teeth into the sought after arrangement. They are a cheap alternative to invisalign treatment, but are not as discreet and are mainly used on the upper and lower front teeth. They are unsuitable for teeth of a particularly crooked nature or where there is over-crowding. Although inman aligners are not as discreet as invisalign treatment they do offer the same level of treatment. Also, you are able to remove the inman aligner when eating or cleaning your teeth, but will need to wear the appliance around twenty hours a day. The length of treatment will depend on the level of movement required, but will generally be six to sixteen weeks.

Things to think about

The inman aligner treatment is not available on the NHS. Thus, it is only available through private clinics and the range of prices will vary according to each clinic and their location, as well as several other factors. The criteria to be given an inman aligner are relatively strict due to the level of movement it can accomplish. If you are recommended one then the price will typically range from £1,250 to £2,500. Private clinics will offer you an initial consultation, in which you can discuss what the treatment will incorporate and the costs. Use this time to ask any questions you may have. Things to consider include:

  • Make sure you ask for a written estimate. This will give you details of the treatment and what it includes in writing. Make sure you check this over and ask if there are to be any other charges down the line.
  • The location of the private clinic will affect the price.
  • Dental practitioners held in high regard will charge higher prices. But, if you want the best treatment then you will need to spend more money.

What does the price include?

Though inman aligners may be advertised as a certain price there may be hidden extras that go on top of this. You should always be on your guard, and it is best if you get a written approximation of what the treatment will cost. Things to consider in terms of the bill include the number of appointments required and any after-care you may need. Other factors you need to consider are:

  • The level of movement required will affect the price, as it will lead to the need for more appointments and more time of your dental practitioner.
  • Some private clinics may offer financial solutions to the treatment, with the cost likely being spread over a certain amount of time. You should look out for any extra costs if this is the case.

Be aware of any hidden extras costs that may spring up. If you do get a written estimate make sure you read the small print.